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Xeogaming Forums - Entertainment - X3
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Posts: 1021/2999
I have a bunch of Iron Man comic books from the 80's that were passed down from my dad. (Late 70's maybe, too)

Iron Man is good. Should indulge into him more. I don't have any idea how good he is NOW, though.
Posts: 3722/11757
That just sounds crazy.

But yeah, I saw the movie again (with different friends). My same thoughts still remain, other than the fact I can't seem to understand how some of my friends thought Kitty Pryde was "hot".

She looks freaking ... 13.

More comics: How are Cable comics? The newer ones with him and Deadpool seem pretty cool. I've always been a fan of Cable, just for the fact that he's Scott's son, looks like he should be in the Terminator, etc.

Just not sure if his stories are good. Same thing with Iron Man, I love him, but haven't heard much about him. A few friends of mine and I went to a comics store yesterday, and I picked up "Man in mask the Iron Man" (or something like that) by Joe Quesada, who my friends say is awesome. So, I guess I'll see how I'll like that.
Posts: 1721/11918

Xeo, see if you can pick up the archival copies of the Infinity Gauntlet series. It's the one where Thanos obtains this the Infinity Gaultlet that gives him eternal power and kills ALL of the mutants, super heroes, and gods of the Marvelverse. A must read.

I'm gonna go re-read the Marvel Mangaverse now.
Posts: 3099/9736
I didn't know about it before I saw the movie, but I still laughed. Now that I do know I think it's even funnier.
Posts: 1713/11918
Yeah, when I first saw it, I thought no one knew about it and I was surprised the line was said at all. Zoso and I were laughing our asses off for like 5 minutes.
Posts: 1134/1858
Originally posted by Rogue

I just read a few rumors about the upcoming Wolverine movie. Looks like they're heavily favoring Silver Samurai being in it and played by... Ken Watanabe.


Wow. Ken Watanabe would be PERFECT. I met him before he did 'The Last Samurai,' he's an awesome guy.

'I'm the Juggernaut Bitch' has made me laugh every time i've watched it. It's even funnier when you're drunk. I was suprised by how many people knew where that was from. When I saw the movie at the midnight showing, the whole theatre went nuts.
Posts: 1709/11918
Oh God, I was into New X-Men when it first came out, but I kept getting annoyed with the new characters they were introducing. They created a new mutant and called her Angel. She has insect wings and spits acid. Gah.

Anyway, if you just want great comics in general, because just reading X-Men spin-offs can be annoying (especially since the writers tend to take them whichever way they want. In some parts of the Marvel Universe, Rogue is married to Magneto and has a son with him, in other parts she's still in love with Gambit, but he's blind, in other parts she's alone and in Japan... the most confusing of them all is Wolverine, since he just tends to go EVERYWHERE with EVERYONE) check out Kingdom Come. It's a great foundation for getting into comics, it's a future world with aged Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman and you get some exposure by the brilliant god of an artist, Alex Ross.

Other favorites of mine:
- Preacher (Totally NC-17, I don't recommend reading this if you're faint of heart)
- The Watchmen
- Walking Dead
- Sin City

Seriously, there's TONS out there in the comic book world. I have more favorites than that, but I can't quite remember them all right off right now.

EDIT: Had to add this. For some of you who didn't get this line in the movie... here it is again.

And here's the reference and why it's funny:

Yes, I know it's silly and stupid and at times pointless, but hey, it made it into the movie.
Posts: 3713/11757
Well, if I got into Uncanny, I'd probably buy the big Essentials and start from the very beginning. That's a ton of reading, but I'm interested. The Essentials are just collections of the Uncanny comic, right?

I've had the Age of Apocalypse for awhile now, but I just don't like how some of the comics don't seem connected at all. And the art changes are huge.

House of M, Iron Man, and The Avengers are other comics I'm considering checking out.

I'm pretty sure I've heard Runaways from other friends also, so I'll probably keep an eye out for that one.

Yeah. I've just never really been into comics, and now that I want to, I'm like lost. It just seems like there's so much out there.

Oh, and The New X-Men = Disgusting.

But I hear Ultimate X-Men is pretty good.
Posts: 1706/11918
If you started reading Uncanny now, you'd be lost. I was reading it off and on and occasionally they'd bring in a new character to see how they tested with the fanbase, eventually just killing them off.

If you do read Uncanny, pick it up at the beginning of an arc. Comic books come in mini-episodes, with the story spread over several issues. You'll notice on the cover it'll say something like #4 of 7 or whatever.

I haven't been buying my comics lately, so I can't really say what's out there right now. Any book is good if you get the #1... hell, they keep putting out new series ALL the time. They just axed Rogue's series (the first arc was good, but the second one they got new writers and illustrators). I think Gambit's FINALLY got cut.

If you can get the first arc of Runaways, that's a good one. The first arc of the new Rogue that ended over a year ago's pretty good.

Do read the essentials. I think they're useful.

I just read a few rumors about the upcoming Wolverine movie. Looks like they're heavily favoring Silver Samurai being in it and played by... Ken Watanabe.

Juggernaut is said to be reprising his role, and the whole film is going to be his Weapon X days. I'm excited now.

I also heard a few things about Magneto. Looks like it's going to be his younger days, seeking revenge for the death of his parents after the Holocaust and finding Charles Xavier and their becoming best friends.

Anothing thing I've thought about with X3:

What the hell was Rogue doing in the Danger Room simulation anyway? She doesn't have anything other than her singular power to take energy, memories, powers, and so on from organic lifeforms, since that's all they gave her anyway.

What's she gonna do? Ask the Sentinels to leave?

Even Kitty Pryde, whose powers I always thought were just for dodging things with little help otherwise, provides more usefulness.

I personally think that if they are going to show Rogue as any better than in these movies they might as well do a movie on her days in the Brotherhood for Evil Mutants. However, this would have to be like a Batman Begins dea where they'd have a new director, new actress, new everything and not be affiliated with the past films.

But Rogue is not a dynamic, beloved super hero like Batman, so it's pointless to do it.

Then again, they did do Elektra.
Posts: 3709/11757
Yeah, I just really didn't care for any of the mutants that were teamed up with Magneto in this one. Especially Callisto. Even Pyro was annoying in this one (I liked him in X2 though).

And, is it just me ... but I could have sworn I saw facts that Gambit was going to be in this, for at least 5 minutes or something, or just to make a camoe appearance? Guess I could be dreaming.

I just hope the Wolverine movie is good. Even though they could change the title for X2, to something about Wolverine (since it was entirely focused on him).

I'd like to see Omega Red, or Silver Samuari.

But yeah, a lot of you guys have me lost with all the characters, connections, and powers. I've never read the comics, and its been at least 12 or so years since the show was aired. But, a bunch of friends of mine have recently gotten into comic, and I'd love to get into them myself.

What would you guys recommend for X-Men? Two of my friends say Uncanny is probably the best series (I'd probably go with the Essentials).

But yeah, I would have to agree with Rogue about the visual effects in this movie. Especially when Phoenix would control things around her, it was really incredible.

I'd like to see it again honestly. Just like you guys, I enjoyed it, but for the most part I wish it were quite different.
Posts: 1703/11918
Psylocke was a lesser form of Jean, but could concentrate her energy into daggers.

They've been taking many more liberties with powers. They made Callisto able to run like Quicksilver and detect mutants and assess their powers. Such was never the case.

What somewhat makes me sad about them tossing Psylocke aside is how there was tons of potential for them to open the door for one of the more memorable X-men pairings--Psylocke and Angel. Warren and Betsy were pretty into each other. *wink wink*

Yes, they did screw over Cable (I don't consider this spoiler, so that's why I haven't bothered with the tags), BUT Cable is actually the product of Scott and Madelyne Pryor, a clone of Jean Grey. When Scott found out that Jean was still alive and kicking somewhere, he ditched her and his son.

Madelyne Pryor really got around, she even slept with Scott's brother, Alex (Havok).

Madelyne Pryor

No, they did never mention Mystique and Rogue's relationship... nor Mystique and Nightcrawler's for that matter, but it seems like they never had any intention of bringing these things up anyway.

To really discuss Lady Deathstrike's background, they'd have to mention Lord Dark Wind, her father, and bring in the Sunfire storyline of how Rogue, Mystique and he came together to try and steal the Adamantium bonding process.

However, bringing up Sunfire, this could also open the door for Silver Samurai and--more imporantly--Mariko. Mariko being the only true fiancee of Wolverine.

In a screen test for the first X-Men movie, Anna Paquin and Hugh Jackman were reading the scene when they first meet, while he's driving and she's eating jerky. At one point she supposedly gestures at a photo on his dashboard, and Rogue asks, "Is this your wife?" Logan sort of brushes it off and says yes. At least, that's what I remember of it.

Well, I could go on forever, so I'll cut this off here.

EDIT: Forgot another major connection that wasn't made in the movies. I remembered it while at the theater, but forgot to write it here---Juggernaut is Professor Xavier's brother.
Posts: 1130/1858
Originally posted by X


- I'm no Cyclops fan, but his character seemed tossed away so quickly like trash. It did get a point across, that Jean couldn't always control The Phoenix within her. But it just really didn't seem that emotional, or shocking or anything. I think his part in the movie should have been longer, for that scene to be more dramatic and make more of an emotional impact.

I agree with this. Like I was saying in my post, it was too soon. They could have made it so much more dramatic. And I really do hate him, but he shouldn't have gone out like that.

Originally posted by X


- The mutant kid who "healed" mutants around him. Can anyone explain why they took him to the Academy??? ...

HAHA! I said this while I was at the movies. All the kids that are in class with him are screwed. He's going to be the outcast amongst the outcasts.

They pretty much screwed Cable over for the sequel, eh? But then again I wouldn't be surprised if he DID make an appearance and it was merely a cameo like many of the mutants or if they just don't say he's related to Scott or Jean. They didn't say anything about Mystique and Rogues relationship or Lady Deathstrike's and Logans, so I wouldn't be surprised.

Oh. I saw the movie again, this time with my family. I saw the after credits thing, it was okay. Most of my attention was on following Psylocke. She was the 3rd girl of Callisto's henchmen. There was Kid Omega (the porcupine guy), Arclight (The androgynous woman), and Psylocke (she was asian had had purple streaks in her hair.)

At one point she turns invisible when they sneak up on Angel's dad and the doctor he's with.....She could never turn invisible could she?
Posts: 1701/11918
I do agree on most of the points you made, Xeo. Whole-heartedly, especially the Colossus comment, but I'd almost change him out for Angel.

Thanks for pretty much materializing my opinion of Cyclops' story.

The movie was visually stunning (lots of effects, great looking characters), but the story was a bit bland.

Figures for Ratner. The man can light a candle, but he can't keep it burning. In other words, he's heavily special effects, but there's not much to fall back on.

EDIT: After looking on IMDb to see if anything was added, found this review which I can really agree with, though it overstates a few things:

Originally posted by IMDb poster
This film is a perfect case for why Hollywood isn't doing well at the box office. The film takes a franchise of two good films and regurgitates generic Hollywood crap.

The dialogue in this film is full of cliché statements, and corny attempts at statements with deep meaning.. The dialogue sounds like the script of a novice, offering nothing to the characters.

Another failure of the film is character development. While the comics provide histories for the characters, none is given for the newly introduced characters. The viewer is left to simply accept the character at face value, without any explanation for their character, their history, or their power. Even the developed characters lack any depth of the previous films.

Overall the story seems rushed. The director seems to push the film forward through the action and thus the film suffers.

If you like the first two films then I would suggest not seeing this one. You would miss nothing.

OK... just to make it clear of my overall opinion: I liked X3, but was disappointed with much of the story.
Posts: 3705/11757
I can't really describe my thoughts about this movie. It wasn't bad, and I thought it was good, but at the same time I almost completely disagree with the direction it went entirely.


- I'm no Cyclops fan, but his character seemed tossed away so quickly like trash. It did get a point across, that Jean couldn't always control The Phoenix within her. But it just really didn't seem that emotional, or shocking or anything. I think his part in the movie should have been longer, for that scene to be more dramatic and make more of an emotional impact.

- Xavior's death was inevitable, I'm sure most of us so it coming. But I have to agree with others, how Magneto reacted to this. It just ... was not him at all. Magneto has always wanted something good, he just had a different plan to acheive those goals. I also hated how he -instantly- left Mystique when she lost her powers. That part really seemed dumb.

- Hey, Collosus ... who is he!? Where I'm going with this, is that characters were just thrown into this movie. It was cool, but I would have liked to have seen more development with them, instead of just "Bam, I'm here".

- Magneto's outcome. Honestly, I thought that part was horrible. I would have liked to see him die instead of him losing his powers. That's what he lived for, it surprises me he wouldn't commit suicide or do something drastic because of that. But my friends are saying he was cured by the end of the movie, moving the chess pieces. I guess I missed that part.

- Sadly, there was nothing shocking or no plot twists of any kind in this movie besides the deaths, and the odd ending. Basically, you could see the entire movies direction and story in the trailers, right?

- Rogue giving up her powers. Alright, I guess it wasn't really bad since she wants to in the comic series also (from what I hear), but it just didn't seem right.

- The mutant kid who "healed" mutants around him. Can anyone explain why they took him to the Academy??? ...

- This movie really didn't seem to connect too much to X1 and X2, it could really probably be seen as a stand alone movie.

All in all, I think the plot or whatever was just way too rushed. Characters were tossed around, thrown away, etc. Still I think it was a good movie, I'm just not sure if it was a truly satisfying end to a promising Trilogy.

Then my friends showed me this. X-Men 4? What the ...?
Posts: 1340/3807
Your point is valid, but killing someone with your touch is a lot different than skin color. People don't discriminate against you, you just discrimanate against yourself.

I understand the metaphor you said and I agree, but I'm not going to get all upset over a movie that was otherwise amazing.

Cyclops was written out so Wolverine could get more screen time. He loved Jean and os to make the ending more Wolverine focused they had to write him out.

Eh, this is what I derived.
Posts: 1698/11918
I like him. Kinda. A little.

Seriously, whatever you heard about him, what happens to him in the movie vastly disappoints me. Sorry, just trying to be spoiler-free.

On the matter of the cure and saying it's OK to just take it. Although I respect that opinion, it's somewhat missing the point.

The X-gene in X-men is a metaphor for having a different skin color, being gay, being of a different religion, anything that makes you different and despisable to the ignorant.

To say, "Oh yeah, I think he/she should have taken the cure and it's A-OK," is sort of like saying during the Holocaust Jews should have renounced their faith or that black people in violent areas should bleach their skin to avoid intolerance from cops and other people.

Even though the cure isn't permanent, it's still saying a lot for the director and writers to feel that the best solution is to just have certain characters take it. That's why Warren runs away, that's why protestors think the cure is an insult, that's why Storm blows this out of proportion upon first hearing news of the cure. Although, I was irritated with Halle Berry with that moment, she's right, there is nothing wrong with them.

And at simultansouly, this is what makes the X-men great heroes. In the face of adversity, they still come to the rescue of mankind and embrace their gifts.

Now in the case of Rogue, it's not well-explained in the movies, but Rogue's power is still untrained, sort of like Cyclops'.

With a lot of time and training, Rogue can eventually learn to control it and be able to touch whenever she wants while still having her ability.

Like Cyclops' inability to see people with his naked eyes, it's a matter of training. He just managed to do it with the help of Phoenix. And then he was written out.

I've heard arguments from others claiming that the humans intended for the cure to be an annual inoculation to keep the mutants under control. It goes off of the same theories that Magneto had about extermination.

At the same time, an argument for why they just ended it that way can be argued that with the rush to beat Bryan Singer's Superman movie, they took the quickie endings for everyone and just gave certain people their happy endings without much detail or emphasis. Where was Angel's ending anyway?

Sorry to go all geek girl and bitchy-like, I do honestly respect your opinions on the cure, and, yes, I know it's just a movie, but I just wanted to say my piece on the issue.
Posts: 1017/2999
I hadn't seen this yet, but I seem to be getting mixed reviews. I'll have to see it pretty soon.

I notice many people dislike Cyclops. Am I like, the only one that doesn't?
Trigger Happy Jones
Posts: 231/306
Hmmm... This was my favorite line.

"Plastic? So they learn."

I love that part.

"Grow those back."

Bitchin' response.
Posts: 1336/3807
NOTE: I am not a huge Xmen fan.

I loved it. I'm just saying, Wolverine was cool, and so was Beast. I didn't like what they did with Rogue but I mean, come on. She did what I would have done. And besides, the cure isn't permanent. Chill.

The battle scenes were so awesome to me. I hated Cyclops dying and kept thinking he just was walking around with his eyes closed.

Juggernaut was SO AWESOME.

Favorite Lines:

"Grow those back."

"Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut, BITCH!"

"Who's hiding, dickbreath?"

"When I get out of here, I will kill you myself. "

"Charles always wanted to build bridges."

"Maybe you should've stayed in school."
Trigger Happy Jones
Posts: 228/306
Went to see this yesterday.

I'm a little ignorant when it comes to the comics, but I thought the killing off of three major characters was a little unneccesary. I don't know. All in all, an okay movie. But ya'll are right about some parts. Non-stop action at some parts, dragged out in others.

3 1/2 out of five, unless disagreed with.
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