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02-11-25 02:52 AM
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Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Former Minister of Defense in Canada announces that aliens are real. O_o
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True Flight
Posts: 5184/5245
well... uh... Today is the anniversary of the Roswell Incident.

My dad had a great thought about it. That the military was looking on how to hide an aircraft. What better way than in plain sight.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 4297/4541
Yeah, this really seems like the first public declaration of aliens, and is kind of crazy. Honestly, he's the highest ranking person that I know of to have made a statement like this.

Now, granted, this is Canadian research on what America is doing, so it might be a little iffy, but this is quite interesting.

What's also cool is that he gave this speech not just in some alien-loving convention, but at a hearing for public disclosure in Washington DC.
Posts: 8439/9736
... I have no words...

That's a first.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus
Posts: 4294/4541
This was originally announced on FOX news, but it was a little hard to find, so I googled it and found the youtube video.

Xeogaming Forums - General Chat - Former Minister of Defense in Canada announces that aliens are real. O_o

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