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Kyoku kun

Phan Phan
Where in the world in Aurora the Explora? Currently California!

Since: 06-19-06
From: Northern California

Since last post: 4851 days
Last activity: 4478 days
Posted on 05-10-07 07:09 PM Link | Quote
Yes, and a couple times.

Have you ever had no social interaction for more then 24 hours?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 715 days
Last activity: 523 days
Posted on 05-11-07 02:32 AM Link | Quote
Yes. There have been days like that during the summer for me, especially when my parents are out of town. But, I haven't had any days like that in quite some time.

Have you ever practiced kissing with your hand?

Red Paragoomba

Since: 02-15-07
From: Boston

Since last post: 6344 days
Last activity: 5384 days
Posted on 05-11-07 03:23 AM Link | Quote

have you ever pleasured yourself with a fruit and or vegetable
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 175 days
Last activity: 175 days
Posted on 05-11-07 09:01 AM Link | Quote

Have you ever gone withut doing anything hygenic(change clothes, brush teethm shower, ect), for four days or more?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 715 days
Last activity: 523 days
Posted on 05-12-07 02:21 AM Link | Quote
I'm pretty sure I have. Also during the summer.

Have you ever gotten in the shower with something still on (socks, hair tie, etc)?
Kyoku kun

Phan Phan
Where in the world in Aurora the Explora? Currently California!

Since: 06-19-06
From: Northern California

Since last post: 4851 days
Last activity: 4478 days
Posted on 05-12-07 02:30 AM Link | Quote
Yes, I was once walking around talking on the phone and I randomly walked in the bathroom and stepped in the bathtub (Fully Clothes, late at night) and it turns out it was FULL of water.

I also like lay down in a bathtub with hairties on all the time.
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 715 days
Last activity: 523 days
Posted on 05-12-07 02:46 AM Link | Quote
No question? Well then...

Have you ever been caught photocopying something you weren't supposed to?


Since: 12-17-04
From: Petaluma, California

Since last post: 5992 days
Last activity: 5585 days
Posted on 05-16-07 02:20 PM Link | Quote
Yea in grade school I was using the photocopier at my moms office to photocopy a maze I drew. She wasn't too happy but she liked the maze!

Have you ever photocopied your butt?
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 175 days
Last activity: 175 days
Posted on 05-16-07 02:29 PM Link | Quote




Have you ever run into a room and shouted something completely random and stupid?


Since: 12-17-04
From: Petaluma, California

Since last post: 5992 days
Last activity: 5585 days
Posted on 05-16-07 02:36 PM Link | Quote

Have you ever gotten a door shut on your finger?

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1636 days
Last activity: 1453 days
Posted on 05-16-07 09:26 PM Link | Quote
Yes. Car door. I was 4. Automatic locks. Wasn't fun. There were other times, but that one was the most tramatizing. I was screaming and my mom thought I was messing around in the parking lot, so she kept tugging me and I remember I was freaking out so bad that I couldn't get it out that I was stuck.

Have you ever scared off anyone over the phone by answering it in a strange way?
(Teehee. I just did that a few seconds ago)

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4533 days
Last activity: 5236 days
Posted on 05-17-07 01:04 AM Link | Quote
Yes. It was telemarketer who I started talking to her as I was trying to sell her something.

Have you ever called in dead to work or school? (don't laugh, I know people who have done it)
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 715 days
Last activity: 523 days
Posted on 05-17-07 01:52 AM Link | Quote
Nope, but that does sound like a certain 911-caller.

Have you ever changed your clothes in front of a friend of the opposite sex?

Dark Wizard
\"She said tonight...come on come on collide...see what I fire feels like..I bet its just like heaven.\"

Since: 08-15-04
From: Philadelphia, P.A.

Since last post: 1636 days
Last activity: 1453 days
Posted on 05-17-07 01:54 AM Link | Quote
Funny you should bring that up! My cousin tried to get me to do that last weekend. XD I went in and mentioned it to my co-workers and the one guy was like "Aww...I'll send you flowers next time, okay?" Haha. It was funny.

Edit: Grr...Rogue ninja posted me. LOl. And yes, yes I have. I know how to change without showing anything though.

K, lesse...Have you ever crank called your job/school?

(Last edited by Katana on 05-17-07 04:56 AM)

Sailor Delerium

Have you ever spent days and days and days making up flavors of ice cream that no ones ever eaten before? Like chicken and telephone ice cream?...Green mouse ice cream was the worst.

Since: 08-17-04
From: The Dreaming

Since last post: 4533 days
Last activity: 5236 days
Posted on 05-17-07 02:06 AM Link | Quote
No, I'm not one to do crank calls.

Have you ever been confused for a race that is like as far from what you actually are as possible?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 715 days
Last activity: 523 days
Posted on 05-17-07 03:26 AM Link | Quote
OFTEN. I'm half Filipino, half white. Whenever it comes up what I am (especially with people I'm still just getting to know), I always get "I knew there was something about you" and then often "I thought it was Mexican." It's one thing to say I look exotic, but when they make it sound like they were honing in on a character flaw, it's rather disappointing.

Have you ever been promised something that sounded too good to be true, backed out of the deal and it really did turn out to be real (but now you're missing out on it)?


Since: 12-17-04
From: Petaluma, California

Since last post: 5992 days
Last activity: 5585 days
Posted on 05-17-07 02:25 PM Link | Quote
Yea it's happened to me multiple times.

Have you ever broken a window at your school by throwing an object that didn't go where you wanted it to?
If you're reading this... You are the Resistance

Since: 08-17-04

Since last post: 715 days
Last activity: 523 days
Posted on 05-17-07 02:32 PM Link | Quote
Thankfully no.

Have you ever had an epiphany in the bathroom?

Continued Harassment.

Since: 03-07-05
From: In pieces

Since last post: 6365 days
Last activity: 6336 days
Posted on 05-17-07 04:14 PM Link | Quote
Actually, that happens more often than I'd think.

I'm going to be nerdy and semi-quote Mr. Nemoy on this one (Spock)

"I often have some of my greatest epiphanys while in the shower."

Have you ever been trapped in a household appliance? (Washer, dryer, fridge, etc?)
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 175 days
Last activity: 175 days
Posted on 05-17-07 04:26 PM Link | Quote
I'm big, I don't fit in my fridge.

Have you ever been accidently responsible for one of your friends getting a somewhat serious injury(broken or sprained bones, ect)
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Xeogaming Forums - Riddlers Tower - New, not very official, have you ever thread. |

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