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This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4908 days
Last activity: 4531 days
Posted on 12-08-07 04:31 PM Link | Quote
Dear Alex,

It has come to my attention that we are to fight each other to the death. Sadly, I have not had the chance to make your acquaintance beforehand. My birth name is Henry Jackson, but many call me The Satyr. I am a philosopher, and have published several books on my teachings. I will not fight the fate we have both been assigned, but instead meet it stoically, like our Greek teacher Zeno of Athens. I have learned you are a master of the sword, and so propose we make our upcoming match one that appeals to your taste. Thanks to some of my pupils, I have some experience in the ways of swordfighting, and after reading of the Bushido warriors of ancient Japan, have decided there is no more poetic way to die. I will meet you in Kensington Gardens on Friday night, where we shall settle this as two grown men should. Until we may talk next,

The Satyr

So he sat, waiting on a park bench. The Satyr was a man in his late 30s. His most significant feature was his large goatee and dagger-sharp face, the reason for the namesake of The Satyr. He had long, wavy dark brown hair and calm blue eyes. He wore simple clothes (a white dress shirt, leather jacket over top, and jeans) and a sheathed longsword lay across his lap. He sat and quietly recited The Garden by the poet Ezra Pound under his breath, reveling in the appropriateness of the moment.

(Last edited by Cairoi on 12-08-07 07:31 PM)
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 154 days
Last activity: 154 days
Posted on 12-08-07 09:33 PM Link | Quote
Alex frowned at the note. This man wrote it humbly, he wrote it as if he believed he would die, and as if he wasn't skilled at swordfighting. He wrote it as a humble man would write it. Humble men were the most dangerous you could ever encounter...

Alex was careful with his weapons. He chose a kite shield and a hand and a half sword. He wore only chainmail on his arms, but had a steel breastplate covering most of his body. He also had plate armor covering his legs, comfortable in his armor. It would allow him to move his swowd and shield quickly, while still having maximum protection.

Judging by this man's letter, he probably fought with a katana, and Alex prepared perfect for that, while still having enough protection to counter any other weapon styles. This would be perfect.

Alex walked through the gardens, looking for his opponent, and holding his sword in hand. He only regretted that he couldn't use sniper rifles and take this man out at a distance...that would have been much easier, and added another layer of tension to the contest.

He spotted the man...he wasn't holding a katana, it was a longsword. The fool, a longsword was slow and should never be used without proper protection. "Mr. Jackson," Alex adressed. "Are you ready to begin?"

No way was he going to call this guy "the Satyr"
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4908 days
Last activity: 4531 days
Posted on 12-09-07 12:19 AM Link | Quote
The Satyr laughed lightly as he stood up, removing his jacket. He kept the longsword tightly clenched in his left hand as he eyed up his opponent.

"You show your intelligence by the amount of armor you wear, my friend. Have you ever truly thought about your life? About your death? About all that lies between, before, and beyond?"

He had the air of extreme peace around him. The threat of an armored sword master seemed not even to pierce the tranquility of his soul.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 154 days
Last activity: 154 days
Posted on 12-10-07 01:23 PM Link | Quote
Alex nodded, "I'm a Mormon," he said. "I don't need to be a philosopher about it, I already know what's going to happen to me when I pass through the veil of death."

Alex was wary, staying as alert as was physically possible. He didn't want to be drawn into a conversation only to be attacked when he wasn't ready.

"So," he said. "How much have you used that sword?"
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4908 days
Last activity: 4531 days
Posted on 12-10-07 03:15 PM Link | Quote
"Ahh, I am glad you have found your answers, friend." Henry said, smiling warmly. "Oh, this? One of my close friends taught me in its ways. He was a world-famous swordsman, but though he tried, I could not come close to his level. I still find some time to practice here and there. I am proficient, I suppose."
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 154 days
Last activity: 154 days
Posted on 12-10-07 03:24 PM Link | Quote
Alex shook his head, "I'm sorry that both of us can't make it out of here alive," he said. "I think that we could have had many interesting conversations with each other."

He drew his sword, and placed his helmet on his head, lowering the visor to protect his face. "Let's get this over with. Since I've been studying for the past ten years, and you're not exactly the greatest, I'll allow you to have the first blow."

Alex took a defensive stance, and waited, irritated at what he'd have to do. He'd never actually killed anyone before, and he was sorry that that would have to change now.
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4908 days
Last activity: 4531 days
Posted on 12-10-07 03:37 PM Link | Quote
"I appreciate the courtesy, friend."

Henry drew his longsword slowly, tossing the sheath onto the bench. He took two steps back, feeling the lightness of the blade in his hands. He stepped forward and swung from the right, the blade tilted to hit diagonally.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 154 days
Last activity: 154 days
Posted on 12-11-07 05:11 PM Link | Quote
"Yeah right."

Alex twisted and brought his metal shield up, not just blocking the strike. He hit the sword as hard as he could, hopefully knocking Henry off balance and then swung his own sword at Henry's left side, the side not holding his sword.

Blocking would be extremely difficult, as Henry would be off balance from being his sword being hit with the shield, especially if Henry was using a two handed grip on the longsword.

Alex also thrust his shield forward just as he swung so that the shield would be only a foot away from Henry. Blocking from that angle would be nearly inpossible, as the sword would likely just hit Alex's shield.

If Alex succeeded, Henry would be given a severe cut along his side, and more thank likely recieve a fatal wound.

"Stay as a philosopher, fighting might be too much for you."
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4908 days
Last activity: 4531 days
Posted on 12-11-07 06:00 PM Link | Quote
Henry knew just what to do. He had lightly twisted the blade so the flat side would be against the shield as he took the hit, keeping his balance as he took the momentum from the blow, pushing himself into a back flip as it died down, throwing him out of range of the attack. It was now evident how insanely spry Henry was. He then pushed back with his right foot, stepping forward and bringing the sword down forcefully at Alex's head. Taking into account the helmet, the blade would slide down to the shoulder, which would take the majority of the force.

Taking to account the lack of armor Henry wore and his natural agility, he more than made up for his lack of mastering swordsmanship.
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 154 days
Last activity: 154 days
Posted on 12-13-07 02:23 PM Link | Quote
Alex reacted quickly, realizing how stupid Henry was. He raised his shield, bending his knees so that Henry's sword wouldn't bounce back against his shield. In the same moment, Alex thrust his sword forward, hopefuly impaling Henry's unarmored torso.

All of Henry's momentum would be forward towards Alex's sword, and as Alex didn't thrust his sword until Henry already began his swing, it would be nearly impossible for Henry to either block, or to throw himself backwards. Also, since Alexlowrds himself so that he and his shield were below Henry's eyesight, it would be nearly impossible for Henry to see the thrust until it was nearly too late.

"You're an acrobat, but there's a reason why you don't hear about many acrobats in wars."
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4908 days
Last activity: 4531 days
Posted on 12-14-07 05:16 PM Link | Quote
Henry stopped still for a moment as the sword apparently hit his torso. But in truth, all it had hit was metal. Henry took a few steps back, unharmed.

"You might not hear of acrobats, as I am, friend, but you hear of innovation." He took his dress shirt off to reveal a chest-ful of studded leather armor.

"The best armor I could find that wouldn't obstruct my athletics."
Lord Vulkas Mormonus

High Xeodent of Xeomerica.

Since: 10-29-04
From: North Carolina, United States. World, Sol System, milky way

Since last post: 154 days
Last activity: 154 days
Posted on 12-29-07 09:35 PM Link | Quote
"Leather armor," said Alex. "Interesting. The weakness of studded armor, despite what you may usually hear, is that it has all the weight of chainmail, but not nearly the same amount of strength. Were I you, I would have gone with straight leather or chainmail."

He raised his sword again, "I attacked last, I believe it's your turn."
This isn't about you and your loud mouth,
This is about me and my fucking beard.

Since: 08-29-04
From: PA

Since last post: 4908 days
Last activity: 4531 days
Posted on 01-24-08 04:32 PM Link | Quote
Henry smiled and dashed forward, lighter on his feet then most athletes. He fluked a right turn, twisting his body to gain the centrifugal strength to slash the sword at Alex while continuing this fluid motion.
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