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02-11-25 04:31 AM
Xeogaming Forums - - Posts by Shard
User Post

Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

Since last post: 6453 days
Last activity: 6337 days
Posted on 09-15-06 11:10 PM, in The War of the Shards Link
Government approved!

Name: 'Jae'
Age: 34
Faction: E'shyum

Shards: Two partial. Fragments of the first were given to him before he left the service. The fragments allow him to move almost completely weightlessly. These fragments are carried on metal bands on both his arms and his ankles. He uses these to persue those whom he is tracking down to bring them into custody for processing. Always using them to at least some degree, he appears to have almost normal movement. when he removes them on rare occasion, he can only weakly get around due to the blast injuries.

The other shard he keeps secret. Buried in his chest near his heart are the fragments of another shard. Much of his upper left lung was destroyed, but the shards were unable to be removed. This was due to the fact that they let him phase out of the normal physical world, allowing him to cross short distances between matter. This aided him in moving through walls and brush without making a sound to catch his target unaware.

Weapons: Carries a 9mm sidearm for personal defense, and a utility knife, which he is far more apt to use.

Physical Appearance: Standing well over 6 feet tall, with jet black hair and a defined jawline, he might be considered good looking. Most wouldn't say it though due to the look in his eyes that could only be defined as a thousand yard stare. Much of his chest and body are scarred from the blast as well, so he rarely removes his shirt, much less his coat. Very 1920's in appearance, he likes to wear a slate gray suit, with a longcoat on, and uses a walking cane to get around most of the time.

Background: Having once served as an engineer in the military, he was wounded in action during the early wars several years ago. An explosion ripped into his section, killing most of those near him. His best friend shielded him from the blast and spared his life, but as result, the shard he owned was embedded into his chest and lung. The military was unable to remove the shard fragments, due to their properties, and he was discharged. Having been given the other shard by his section leader before he died, he took both with him when he left. Officially, the shard fragments in his chest never existed.

'Jae' as he's called (few know his true name or identity) now works for E'shyum. They believe that the shards were sent with a perpose. Jae wants to know the truth. And he doesn't have much time left. Officially, he searches out others to bring to the cause who have shards. Jae is secretly looking for a way out of the war and conflict. Having lost most who were close to him, and bringing new people in for a continuation of what he sees as mindless slaughter, he is seeking for a way out, and to take with him and care for the few remaining who he cares about, most of which are people he's met in his searching for 'talents.'

Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

Since last post: 6453 days
Last activity: 6337 days
Posted on 09-17-06 08:49 PM, in The War of the Shards Link
OOC: I apologize if this is a bit awkward to read, I felt it would be a good change of pace for myself to write most of my posts in first-person and mostly present tense, to give this story a bit more feel to it from my end. That and it's just enjoyable to write this way.
And here is something I played with, to give you all an idea of my character : yes that's an image of who you think it is.


Silently rummaging through the supply crates I had snuck into, I had my thoughts to myself out there in the desert...

I can't believe it, of all people they send out here, they sent me. Suppose given my history, irony's always had a hand in things. Send me out to their camp while they're having peace talks. Perfect. Sie sind verrückt. Ich glaube dies nicht. Ich hasse dies.
I should quit muttering to myself, can't let myself get caught.
All these kids, out fighting a war on their own, thinking they're doing the right thing. Senseless. Though I've done my fair share of dragging others into this. Perhaps if this works, I can change some things. I'll just have to keep telling myself that.

It seems there's a kid here too. I'll just Hrrhn phase my head out to listen around some. There's a truck coming in off from the distance. That must be those religeous head-jobs. Come to settle an agreement because some god has told them too. Well we'll see. This better not get messy, I've only got this old tommy and my nine with me, and it's been a few years since I've fired one on my own free time. Let's hope my shoulder's good for it.

Hhhrrn. I always get that odd cold sensation when I phase reality fabric to move around. I hope no one heard that little sigh of mine. Just turn on this little LCD *chk* and check over my gear. Heh. Still wearing my suit as always, though I've changed out my shoes for boots out here. It's a good thing I'm hiding in large dark crate, they haven't found me in here since I glided in from the desert. One step per normal man's 5 paces with these bands. I'll have to remember to get some new padding for them though...

Let's just wait and see what happens. Either something is going to go unexpected, or I just wait for the signal and all goes smoothly as planned.

Like that will happen.

(Last edited by Shard on 09-18-06 12:11 AM)

Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

Since last post: 6453 days
Last activity: 6337 days
Posted on 09-17-06 10:16 PM, in New to the board? Introduce yourself here! Link
Meh, I'm not exactly new, I was on a lot a long time ago when MoD was around like two years ago, but most shouldn't recognize me. Just thought I'd get back into this board and participate again, have some fun and whatnot.

I'm going to remain anonymous beyond those who I've contacted, but I just thought I should say hello, and I guess I'm new again.

That, and I'm enjoying the RP I'm in

Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

Since last post: 6453 days
Last activity: 6337 days
Posted on 09-17-06 10:41 PM, in Are you straight-edge? Link
Well, beyond the sex part, I'd say that I am. I don't care for suicide-sticks, nor not remembering what I've been up to (Dealt with that enough without drugs or alcohol)

And as far as the sex thing goes, I'm fairly sure it mostly means you don't sleep with someone new every weekend (a bit of an extreme example but I hope you get the idea) So I don't think having sex occasionally with just one partner would disqualify you. Having had as many partners as you've been sexually active in years though, would for the most part disqualify you (I'm going to assume anyone who has, isn't relatively new to the whole sex thing)


Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

Since last post: 6453 days
Last activity: 6337 days
Posted on 09-17-06 10:44 PM, in Do any tobacco products? Link

Uhg, I can't stand tobacco products, or anything of the sort. I just makes me feel all unclean being around it. No offense to you mind you.

I just don't understand the concept, nor the motivation to actually go out and get addicted to that stuff. It's beyond me. O_o

Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

Since last post: 6453 days
Last activity: 6337 days
Posted on 09-17-06 11:24 PM, in The War of the Shards Link
I was listening to what was going on outside my crate. That noise and rumbling just got louder and louder, and then I started to hear voices. Something was going on.

Looks like I should make myself ready to act. Things are probably going to get messy, just like I thought. When is he going to give us a signal to act? I don't want to be hidden away the whole time. Oh, what's this? Something's happening...

Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

Since last post: 6453 days
Last activity: 6337 days
Posted on 09-18-06 11:11 AM, in The War of the Shards Link
Hmm.. What's this? Someone else outside of my crates hiding too? From the sound of it, it must be that kid. Mein Gott... This just isn't my day. I don't care, orders or not, they're not supposed to be part of this. Off with the LCD, *chk* and now...

I'll just Hhhrrn. do this.

(At the time, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. Not having had orders to do anything, I officially was acting on my own. Though that never seemed to stop me before, and besides, they could have blown my cover, crate's also aren't bullet-proof. So I reached out through the crate, and gently clasp my hands around their mouths. I didn't want Holly, as I found was her name later, to scream, so I had to be careful. Luckily, though startled, they kept quiet. I reached out and pulled them into my crate. Thing were getting complicated)

Gotta whisper...
Ihr mussen nicht... Er. You two must keep quiet. I don't know what you two are doing out here, but this certainly isn't the place or the time. I don't even know who you two are, but listen sir, you and who I assume is your daughter here need to keep your heads down. This might get messy, and the last thing I need, is you two drawing attention, and causing a ruckus. This crate of ours isn't bullet proof, but it's large enough to hold all of us.

I pulled you all inside this crate here, keep quiet.
*chk* (LCD light pops on) Now don't scream, and keep quiet.

What are you two doing out here?

Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

Since last post: 6453 days
Last activity: 6337 days
Posted on 09-18-06 04:51 PM, in The War of the Shards Link
Thing definitely just got rather complicated, that's for sure. I don't even know where this is going to end up going

This definitely isn't what I was planning anyhow It's more of a mexican showdown now than anything.

Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

Since last post: 6453 days
Last activity: 6337 days
Posted on 09-18-06 09:33 PM, in Feeling hopeless (Long rant/call for any sort of help) Link
Someone delete the rest of this thread. Please, everyone who replied in here, just delete your posts.

(Last edited by Shard on 09-19-06 12:34 AM)

Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

Since last post: 6453 days
Last activity: 6337 days
Posted on 09-18-06 09:36 PM, in The War of the Shards Link
Wow. This is an odd turn of events. Looks like I've been put in charge of an escort, from a little girl not even half my age...

Alright mister, I don't know who you two are, or why you're really here, but I can't let that girl go off on her own. You stay put, you should be safe here. I'm going after her

I sure hope this guy can keep quiet and keep his head down. Hhrrn

A few low gliding steps, there. Caught up with her.

Alright girl, I don't know what you've got in mind, but this is no place for you to be running around on your own. I haven't got my orders in on what to do, so I'm doing this on my own, and I'll be damned if I let this get more messy that it should

I gave the girl a nod, and peered on with her, to get a better look at what was going on. And of course, she was a shard user to.

What a wonderful day this was becoming.

I put a hand to my chest, and coughed up some blood. This locomotion is going to be the death of me. At least I was quiet about it.

So what do you two plan on doing? This isn't like walking into a park

(Last edited by Shard on 09-19-06 01:02 AM)

Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

Since last post: 6453 days
Last activity: 6337 days
Posted on 09-19-06 11:18 AM, in The War of the Shards Link
I propped myself up against my gun, my thoughts racing in my mind.

It looks like the game is over. This isn't the simple, in and out like it was supposed to be. No one was supposed to know. And then all this shit. And that other cocky bastard he sent out here already jumped the gun and got himself killed, right through the forehead...

With all this going, this little girl here, and some other crazy cannuk with a sword here.. Never bring a knife to a gunfight.. Probably another freaky shard-user. Damned high concentration here of them today!

I started pushing out the affected field of the non-interaction with reality.
You two, stay here next to me *cough, hack* I coughed up more blood. Doing this is going to hurt, and I'll feel it tomorrw for sure. As long as we're relatively close, nothing can affect us.

I reached out my hand, and stuck it through the other man's chest, moved around some, and pulled it out to prove the point. I spit out the rest of the blood in my mouth on to the sand.

My job here for now is done, I'm just an observer, unless something happens to change that, I'm going to say we sit tight here behind this cover and wait to see what happens. Who the hell are you two anyhow, and what do you have to do with all this craziness going on here? Factions, marauders, and freelancers, oh my. I cracked a small grin, before grimacing at my chest again.

So what now master swordsman? Do you have any ideas? It seems our cover is blown, though I doubt they seem to care yet about us. Though I'm sure they see your sword, and my gun. And I don't know about you, but the powers here are beyond my level of a playing field.

(Last edited by Shard on 09-19-06 02:18 PM)

Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

Since last post: 6453 days
Last activity: 6337 days
Posted on 09-19-06 04:41 PM, in Feeling hopeless (Long rant/call for any sort of help) Link
You're right, we both do need to grow up on this.
But she got majorly pissed, we talked things out though, but I deleted it for her though.

I'm just done arguing. I'll deal with stuff on my own too, cuz it seems I can't come here much without pissing her off. So meh. Thanks for all the input, from all of you, it meant a lot to me.

Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

Since last post: 6453 days
Last activity: 6337 days
Posted on 09-19-06 06:14 PM, in The War of the Shards Link
Once the barrage of bullets flying in all directions had ceased, I stood up. The three of us were unhurt, any and all things that flew our way passed right through both us and our crate, leaving only whisps of light shimmering in the air where the immaterium repaired itself and everthing was fine.

I spit out the last bit of blood from my last stunt, and addressed Desin.

What now sir? It looks like your plan backfired, and several of the men are dead. The cards are in your hand, and it's your play from here. If nothing else, I'm going to get out of here before those soldiers arrive, and get these other poeple out of here, they're not part of this, and they shouldn't be involved.

I walked back to the crate where I left the other man. Looking inside, he had hidden behind some of the supplies in there, and luckily, he was fine, though shaken. I phased him out of the crate, and rejoined him with his friend the young girl, and the man with the sword.

I suggest you two figure out what you want to do. This really isn't my day, and seeing as how we just survived a hail of bullets, I'd suggest figuring something out rather quickly. And it looks like things aren't getting any better right now.

I honestly don't know what's going to happen from here on out, I'm confused as to what just happened, and it seems like everyone's here and has a hand in things. So much for an easy day...

Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

Since last post: 6453 days
Last activity: 6337 days
Posted on 09-20-06 07:16 PM, in Halo, high school band Link
This is quite impressive, for all you halo gamers out there..

Such talent

Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

Since last post: 6453 days
Last activity: 6337 days
Posted on 09-22-06 03:40 PM, in Your theme song Link
I'm not exactly white, nor too nerdy, but this does fit me and some of my friends back home a bit (Those not in the Navy). That, and weird all rocks.

Duplicate account.

Since: 09-09-06

Since last post: 6453 days
Last activity: 6337 days
Posted on 06-12-07 09:31 PM, in Dealing with suicide Link

Depending on the person, perhaps suicide would be the best option. Sometimes there might be people who have destroyed their own lives beyond the point of them begin able to fix things, even with the help of others. Even if the incident in question is one that can be left behind, the fact that the incident happening, is something that will tarnish the rest of the person's life. Example of a friend of mine:

I know one of my friends who lives far to the north, has had a horrible personal history. She has a huge scar across her side, where her boyfriend put a knife into her. She refused to have sex with him, then he tried to rape her, and then he tried to kill her. She took that knife out of her own body and then killed him with it in self defense.

Later on, she was raped again several times by others. That's about all I know about that story, and the fact she can't have anyone taking any more pictures of her. She's absolutely gorgeous ( And happily married now mind you ) But she didn't even have pictures of her own wedding due to the emotional scars.

I know she's been suicidal in the past, and just about every night for the past 10+ years, thrashes about having horrible nightmares about the past.

Sometimes things like that, never go away. She's not suicidal anymore, but I know she's been through hell (far greater than anything I'll ever be in I'm sure)

But when it comes down to certain people, it's possible that there are some people who cannot get over the past, and also who cannot actually live with it. Luckily my friend mentioned above has been able to live with it. Though there are issues with her spouse when the words 'suicide' come up, due to another personal story.

I believe that in the huge mass of people we call humanity, that there could be certain people who simply cannot accept life after certain points. They haunt themselves with the past, because they cannot either accept it, or get on with it.

Sometimes, to them, the only option is suicide. Some turn to drugs, and others to alcohol. But to them, they'll never be able to stop thinking about the past. Even when they try, say they dream about it constantly? Just like my friend does. What if it's something that can bring them to the point of tears, even at work? Or even when with friends having fun? Just one little thing that reminds them, and bam, they fall apart.

What do you do then?

Their friends may have tried everything. Even truly, honestly, good friends who love them to death, might not be able to do anything to reduce the pain.

And sometimes the only option to end their own misery caused by their own mind, is for them to kill themselves. Is there another option for those people? Either living a life of pain they can't get their own head out of, or ending their own life because they've lost any will to live with it. It may be selfish of them, but really, what else is there to do for certain people?

And dragging them out through all of it for a long time, and nothing gets better, all that happens is putting them through enduring pain, and hurting everyone else around them who cares. Is it really worth the pain? Which would be worse? The pain of them dying? Or the pain you'll have seeing them live a troubled life for the years to come?

Maybe some people really are just better off dead.
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